
Travel route (2015/16)

Our travel route for our round-the-world trip looked like this. Click on the links below to get to the page of the countries we visited

Our travel route


Cyprus – two weeks, roadtrip & airbnb (October 15. – October 29. 2015)

Thailand – 4 weeks, Kanchanaburi, Chiang Mai and Koh Lanta (October 29. – November 26. 2015)

Vietnam – two weeks, Ho Chi Minh city and south Vietnam (November 26. – December 10. 2015 )

Philippines – 3,5 weeks – including Christmas and new year’s eve: Palawan, Mindoro (December 11. – January 4. 2016)

Australia – 5 weeks, campervan from Adelaide to Sydney (January 5. – February 7. 2016)

Hawaii – Oahu 3 days, Maui 7 days (February 8. – February 18. 2016 )

Los Angeles – one week (L.A., Universal Pictures, Hollywood etc.) (February 19. – February 25. 2016)

Mexico – 4 weeks, Yucatan Peninsula (February 25. – March 24. 2016)

Cuba – two weeks (March 24. – April 7. 2016)

U.S.A (Deep South + Texas) – 3,5 weeks (April 7. – May 1. 2016)

Wildlife experience extraordinaire in Puerto Maldonado, Amazonas 

From Cusco we took the Excluciva night bus to Puerto Maldonado. A 10 hour bus ride but fortunately in the ...

Amazing Rainbow Mountain and Red Valley tour

After the Salkantay trek Line and Vitus had had their share of long drives and hiking. Thus they chose to ...

A very rushed Sacred Valley tour

After recovering after the Salkantay trek and getting Line back on her feet we booked the full day Sacred Valley ...

70 km Salkantay 5D/4N trek

Arriving in Cusco we had booked the Salkantay trek in advance starting already the next day with pickup at 4.15am ...

Homestay on the Titicaca Lake

We stopped by Puno on our way to Cusco to see the beautiful Titicaca Lake and maybe get a touch ...

4 amazing days in Arequipa

We arrived in Arequipa very early in the morning after an overnight bus ride from Nazca. After an early breakfast ...

Easy days in Lima, Paracas, Huacachina and Nazca

Arriving in Lima we celebrated Noah’s birthday at a local restaurant. The next day we went for a walk along ...

Beautiful views, altitude sickness and hiking at the Cotopaxi national park

After our week in Banos it was time for a change of scenery. Arriving at Hostal Rondador Cotopaxi it did ...

Kayaking, rafting, canyoning, ziplines, hiking and horseback riding in Banos Agua Santa

Kayaking, rafting, canyoning, ziplines, hiking and horseback riding in Banos Back on the Ecuadorian mainland after our amazing experiences in ...

Santa Cruz: Hammerheads, Las Grietas and the Bellavista Beach

Smooth Sailing to Santa Cruz Line had been dreading the boat trip from Isabela to Santa Cruz for days, imagining ...


  1. Christian Dadulla
    October 5, 2015

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    Hej Jesper
    Jeg er i goto cph lige nu, og var med i din session om Story Mapping.
    Og så kom til at tjekke jeres spændende rejser, jeg så også at Filippinerne var med til jeres plan. Jeg er oprindelige fra Filippinerne men jeg bor nu i Denmark og har også små børn på 5 og 2. Jeg vil bare sige at der er lidt mere kaos omkring jul i Flp. mht trafikken, lommetyver osv. Så pas lidt på. Men jeg er sikker på I vil nyde turen, især Palawan. God tur med jer.

    • admin
      October 6, 2015

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      Hej Christian
      Tak for det. Hvis du kan anbefale aktiviteter og steder at besøge på Palawan og Mindoro må du endelig sige til.

      Mvh. Jesper

  2. Christian Dadulla
    October 20, 2015

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    Hej Jasper

    Beklager for sent tilbagemelding.
    Jeg er faktisk oprindelige fra Manila. Men jeg har været en’ gang på Palawan, på Dimakya øen, i ClubParadise resort, en slags bounty ø.
    Men jeg spurgte nogen om Puerto Princesa og El Nido:
    Et fint sted at se i Puerto Princesa er ‘den underjordisk flod national park’ (Subterranean River National Park)
    Der kan man købe en pakketur(det er tit på hotel, de tilbudder en pakketur), hvor I kan sejle i/under den underjordisk flod
    og en tur til ‘Sabang strand’.
    Der er også en pakketur hvor I kan se krokodile-farm, Bakers hill, inklusiv mad på stranden.

    El Nido – Strand(hvid), vandfald, lagune.
    De siger, stranden her er bedre end Puerto Princesa.
    De anbefaler at prøve ‘Nido suppe’ – (Fuglerede suppe)

    Jeg ved ikke om I har allerede undersøgt flyselskaberne til Palawan, og om I flyve via Manila.
    Anyway, Et link I kan bruge: https://www.cebupacificair.com
    I Manilas lufthavne, hvis I øvrigt har brug for transport, så kan jeg anbefale en’ der arbejder som taxachauffør i lufthavnen.

    Mindoro: De siger ‘Pandan øen’ kan anbefales – en slags bounty ø. ellers ved jeg ikke så meget om mindoro andet end resort ø.

    Rejsemål på flp:

    Fortsat god tur med jer!
    Mvh Christian

    • admin
      October 24, 2015

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      Tak for det Christian. Vi har allerede booket fly med AirAsia så den del er på plads. Vi mødes med min søster og hendes søn i Manila lufthavn d. 27. December og skal have fundet en måde at komme til Mindoro på, men går ud fra at der er nemmere og billigere måder at gøre det på end taxa, men hvis din ven kan arrangere noget er han meget velkommen til at kontakte os.

  3. Lou
    December 29, 2015

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    Hi Good to see your post. I’ve posted the photos to my FB. Some of them anyhow. If you want to see them, I go by: Lou Trerotola.

    It was wonderful meeting you at Subli. Enjoy life, have fun!

    • admin
      January 13, 2016

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      Hi Lou
      Great to meet you at Subli. We are in Australia now and finally managed to upload the blog posts from Puerto/Subli to our site.

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