
By on October 29, 2015

Though Vitus made the first real attempts at snorkeling in Paphos it was only for a few seconds at the time and he kept getting water into his mouth.


However at Yanathes Beach near Larnaca Oct. 27. we had a real breakthrough. Vitus was snorkeling for real and found it so much fun we had a hard time convincing him that it was time to get out of the water and have dinner. This is really, really great since we will be able to do so much more together for the rest of the trip. Daytrips to various coral reefs and most importantly all of us in the water together sharing great underwater experiences.


When we finally saw him swimming around breathing slowly and looking intensely at the underwater world (though mostly sand and stones at a depth of 60 cm) we almost could not help shouting out loud and Line even shed a tear 🙂


For others trying to teach a boy that has just turned 3 how to snorkle these are the steps we went through:

  • Wearing just the mask (just walking around with it – no water)
  • Wearing the mask in the shower (he quickly realized the benefit of not getting soap in his eyes)
  • Wearing the mask in the bathtub and trying to look underwater for a second or two
  • Wearing mask and snorkle indoors – just getting used to the feeling in his mouth
  • Lots and lots of treats and appraise and lots and lots of failed attempts where he would constantly get water in his mouth and refuse to look under water for more than a second or two
  • Talking a lot about all the things he can expect so see underwater when he learns and all the fish that are in his favourite colours (yellow and orange btw.)
  • Finally a breakthrough where suddenly out of nowhere he got the concept and swam around like he had never done anything else

Expecting a setback or two this is so great for the rest of our trip and we can’t wait to see Noah and Vitus snorkeling around together showing each other all the great things of the underwater world.



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