
By on April 16, 2016

After a good nights sleep at the Super 8 motel in Fort Pierce we were ready to head to the first campground – Lake Louisa State park. The first night of camping is always exiting and as always you also need a bit of luck for everything to work out:

  • Is the tent in order?
  • Will the air mattresses stay airtight?
  • Will it rain?
  • Did we remember to buy everything needed to cook and sleep?
  • Will there be other families with kids?

This time, however, almost everything went as planned. Not only had we remembered to buy everything we needed, but most things were also working better than expected and right next to us a couple of other families were staying with their kids. Noah worked as the perfect icebreaker and within 10 minutes of arriving he was playing with a boy his age named Jackson and was ready to introduce us to his family.



They were really friendly people and we had a nice evening cooking dinner and roasting marshmallows over the fire – exactly what camping is all about.



Only downside was that we had forgot to check the night temperatures and luck would have it that a cold wind was blowing from the North which combined with a perfectly clear night made the temperature fall to 6 degrees Celsius – rare for this time of year. Though we all went to bed with most of our clothes on we were still freezing since we had only bought rather thin blankets expecting 16-20 degrees temperatures. Fortunately that was the only night it got this cold.


Unfortunately Jackson and his family were only there for the weekend and they left after noon the next day leaving us with a lot of friendly but quite old campers. After they left we spent the day going for a walk, shopping, visiting a Citrus farm and eating almost 1 liter of ice-cream before stopping by the Lake Louisa beach on the way back (initially planned to go swimming but with a big alligator warning sign, totally dark murky water with a reddish color and clouds sweeping in we changed our minds). But it had a nice playground and a great tree for climbing.





On our last day at Lake Louisa campground we went for a 2,5 hour hike and had a really nice lunch in the open before buying lots of discounted shoes and clothes for the kids at Ross Dress for Less.




On the way back we stopped by Aldi and found some rye bread. To the boys that was almost as good as a Christmas present since they absolutely love it and Australia was the last time we managed to find something. It’s also a good and healthy option compared to the huge selection of fast food.



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