
By on February 8, 2016

After saying goodbye to our good friends from Denmark (and the boys telling us how much they were already missing their friends Anton and Emil 12 times every hour ) we headed to Jervis bay.

Jervis bay is only 2-3 hours south of Sydney but a different world all together. With extremely white beaches (the worlds whitest according to the Guinness Book of Records), clean and crystal clear water and a pack of dolphins numbering roughly 80, it is truly a gem.


We arrived in the afternoon and had lunch at the wonderful park at Greenfield beach. After that we did the white-sand walk and raced sticks down a small creek (Noah won 2 out of 3 races which he did not fail to mention around 50 times…).

A few non-sandy lookouts along the White-Sand Trail:


A very colourful parrot paid us a visit at the end of the trail


Looking for a place to stay we stumbled upon the carpark at Blenheim beach. Though the sigh does say no-camping it did not say “including in vehicles” which it normally does when that is not allowed. Besides being free it is was almost like staying in a caravan park with toilets, playground, BBQ and even a shower (cold) within 20 meters of our van. Once again we well a sleep listening to the waves breaking on the beach and even with a view to a beach with some of the whitest sand in the world – nice.


Next day we did a real touristy thing and went dolphin watching on a big boat. Feels a bit like cheating but a very nice experience never the less and we saw lots and lots of dolphins. Some of them even jumped out of the water once in a while but unfortunately we were not quick enough with the camera to catch it (or simply just prioritized watching them for real and not through a camera J).




Jervis Bay is home to a naval base so we also saw some very big warships.


Afternoon was spent on Greenfield beach swimming, snorkeling and diving.



Once again we camped at Belheim Beach – we tried to find another place to not overstay our welcome but nothing we found came close – neither in terms of view or amenities. A Coles Supermarket is also right next door and we finally convinced Vitus to try his luck with a real ice-cream and he actually ate most of it – at least the part that did not magically place itself around his mouth.


On our last day we visited the famous Booderee National Park – we had been told by a local that it is the most beautiful beach in NSW and it did not disappoint.




A submarine even came close by during a naval exercise – much to the enjoyment of the boys.


We ended up talking for about ½ hour there with a nice older Australian couple who gave us some great advice in terms of what to see and do on our way to and once we arrived in Sydney.


That is very typical of our experience in Australia so far. Almost EVERYBODY is so helpful and open – something we could really learn a lot from in Denmark. After lunch and a 1 hour walk at the Booderee Botanical Garden we headed North towards our final stop Sydney.



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