
By on November 25, 2015

We love thai food – especially Jesper and I, but during our 4 weeks in Thailand, the kids have learned to appreciate some of the dishes too. I also love to cook and Noah and I often bake together back in Denmark. Therefore Noah and I signed up for a lunch cooking class at Lanta Thai cookery school. I have taken a class there four years ago (as Noah was 1,5 and I was expecting Vitus) and was happy with the class. 

It turned out to be raining on the day of the course, so the class was fully booked. The first thing we had to do was to agree on 4 dishes to cook. The class agreed on: fresh spring rolls (the ones with herbs and meat wrapped in rice paper that aren’t fried), red curry, green curry and phad thai. Noah’s favorite thai dish is Massaman curry, but that wasn’t on the lunch course – but that was ok as I had it on the class three years ago and still have and use the recipe. 

The first thing the chef taught about was the thai herbs and spices and how they are cut and used differently for the individual thai dishes. Then she showed how to make red and green curry paste. We all used these pastes for our dishes as it would take up too much time if we were to all make our own.

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We then cut all the vegetables and herbs for the four dishes putting them in a basket for each dish. In the basket the ingredients were arranged in cooking order after the amount of time they should be cooked.

After preparing the ingredients we cooked the dishes one at a time taking a break after each dish to eat the food. Since we were so many participants, somewhere between 18 and 20, there wasn’t much space between us so Noah didn’t really participate much. We had brought his colours and painting book though along with our iPad with his favourite ninja game. The chef had a grandson a year or two younger than Noah and the two of them really hit it off and had a great time. When one dish was ready, Noah would come and eat with me.

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I hadn’t expected Noah to eat the fresh spring rolls, he has seen me eat that many times but has always refused to try them out. But he ended up eating a quarter of one and only didn’t like the bit of tofu inside. 

Noah especially liked the curry dishes. He managed to pry himself away from the other boy only to command me to make the dishes “NOT spicy” so that I did. They still tasted fantastic even though I would have liked them a bit spicy and I really hope I can make it as good when we get back to Denmark. We all got a small recipe book to bring home in which we had taken notes while we cooked. I have placed that book at the botto m of our suitcase and I hope it is still intact four months from now;-)

All in all a really good half day a Lanta Thai cookery school but kids have to be a bit older than Noah to really participate (he’s 5 now) and the class should then be smaller. But he had a great time playing with the thai boy and tasting the dishes. I’m just amazed at how open he suddenly was to new things, what a change from just a week ago! 


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