
By on October 14, 2015

Monday evening we had a fare-well dinner with our family at Jesper’s mom’s place and Tuesday morning we said the final good-byes at the train station in Aarhus before getting on the train for our 2 day stop-over in Copenhagen.

The children behaved surprisingly well on the 3 hour train ride to Copenhagen and only twice did we have to remind Vitus that jumping on Noah’s head was a bad idea. To his defense Noah did encourage him but still hurt never the less.


First thing on the agenda in Copenhagen was to get a Visa for Cuba at the Cuban embassy. If everything went according to plan we had calculated that we could just make it before they closed at 12 O’clock. We literally ran from the intercity train to the S-train. Jumped off at Østerport St. and hurried the last 700 meter to the embassy. Only to find that we had missed the fact that they are closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays – Bummer!

After a short taxi ride to the apartment on Nørrebro, we had rented through air-bnb, we went grocery shopping. Originally Line and the children had planned to go sight-seeing in Copenhagen but constant rain all Tuesday meant that everybody ended up staying in the apartment while Jesper tried his best to get some work done. A good reminder why we are skipping the Danish winter this year 🙂


Copenhagen was our first air-bnb be stay and it really is a great concept. It was cheaper than a hotel with much better room and homey feel to it. Great!

Wednesday was cold but dry so we decided to walk to the Cuban embassy to finally get our visas in place. A 4km walk but a good chance to see part of Copenhagen and get some fresh air after spending most of Tuesday inside. However, when we got there a new sign was placed on the door stating that they were closed due to staff taking a day off. Damn!

Fortunately the sign included a contact address for agencies that could provide Visas. At an extra cost of DKK 280, 2 km. extra walk and some involuntary Copenhagen sight-seeing in clothes not fit for a cold day in October we finally succeeded in getting our Visas






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