
By on August 30, 2015

We have always liked hiking but naturally it presents a challenge with
children aged 5 and 3. While Noah (5) can walk pretty far Vitus (3) gets
tired quickly and walks at a pretty slow pace.We have done quite a bit of
research and considered everything from kiddy backpack carriers suitable
for larger children:

To more experimental concepts like the piggybackrider:

And even a saddle baby:

In the end, after reading endless reviews and taking our limited space into
account, we settled on the simplest solution: gradually build up Vitus’
ability to walk longer hikes and Jesper carrying him on his shoulders when
he gets too tired.

Visiting Italy this summer in was unfortunately too hot to hike most of the
time +35 Celsius. We did however managed one 5 hour hike which went
surprisingly well. Vitus managed to walk farther than we would have thought
and though it resulted in sore shoulders carrying him for longer stretches
worked out quite fine.

Since we have returned from Italy we have tried to include at least one
walk/hike of 1-2 hours each weekend. Nothing big but enough to keep them
used to the concept and hopefully building up Vitus’ strength. Also Noah is
now riding his bicycle to daycare 3 times a week – only 3,5 kilometers each
way but +20 kilometers with a lot of uphill and downhill has done amazing
things for the strength in his legs. The hills he used to need a push to
climb is now basically a sprint to see who is first to the top. Vitus has
also just learned to ride his bike without support-wheels which is great
considering that he is still only 2. Here is a picture of them with Noah’s
friend Milas from daycare.



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