
By on March 5, 2016

After the less successful snorkeling tour from Puerto Morelos we decided to find the best place to snorkel directly from the beach. It turned out that the options weren’t very good close to our rented house in Puerto Morelos, and the best place should be Akumal about 1 hour’s drive south. Akumal means turtles and the beach definitely delivered on its name.

Noah and Line were the first two to go snorkeling and they almost instantly saw 3 large sea turtles though the water wasn’t very clear. The sea bottom close to the shore is seagrass, not coral, but that is why the sea turtles come there to feed.

Jesper saw coral further out, but you have to swim a bit further out to find it. Besides sea turtles we saw a huge barracuda, Jesper saw large stingsrays again (Line apparently has a curse which means they never show themselves to her), and Jesper saw lots of other fish at the coral reef. Akumal consists of three beaches, but we only went to one of them. We are going to stay around Tulum for maybe a week or so after Isla Cozumel and might go back to visit half moon bay at Akumal to see what it has to offer.


Vitus has really taken to snorkeling again and asks all the time if he can get his snorkeling gear on.


He just wants to go for about 10 minutes each time but with no fuss and he is really enjoying it.

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So if turtles and rays are what you are looking for Akumal is definitely the way to go. On just the one day there we each saw:

Sea Turtles (both Logger-head and green sea turtles)

Vitus: 1

Noah: 6

Line: 7

Jesper: 20

Large grey Sting-Rays

Noah: 1

Jesper: 4

Only bad thing in terms of Akumal beach is that it is VERY crowded and touristy – only a small part of the beach is for public use and the minute you put your towel or blanket down on the wrong side you are asked to leave by the hotel staff. Not something we have ever tried before but Mexico in general is unfortunately very much a “private beach” country.

Late afternoon we drove back to Puerto Morelos and had lunch at:


Again a very nice experience and the owner went across the street to buy some candy for dessert for Noah and Vitus. When Noah did not approve of the taste he took him by the hand and they went to pick up something different



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