
By on March 5, 2016

Noah has really taken to free-diving to the extend that we are starting to become a little nervous when he seems to stay down forever.

Being incredibly competitive he is constantly asking us to time him so he can see if he is progressing.

He has steadily improved from the 2-3 seconds he started on to the 19 second record he held before today (March 4).

Being cloudy and the boys asking for a day just playing in the room and using the hotel’s pool we took a day off just reading and relaxing.


Just before lunch Noah asked if we could film his dives in the pool with the GoPro and after some convincing arguments (read: begging) Jesper put down his Kindle and went to get the camera. And then we have no idea what happened. Not only did he break his records but he got his parents nervous be staying down almost twice as long as his previous record dive. In a pool of course which makes it a bit easier but still impressive for a boy age 5 who only just a few month ago started practicing.

In the videos below you can really tell that he has really grasped relaxing and breathing deeply before the dive but also he is much more relaxed while he is swimming.

Here are some videos of the highlights:


  1. Nicolaj
    March 6, 2016

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    Super flot dyk af Noah !

    • admin
      March 6, 2016

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      Han er også mægtig stolt af sig selv – nævner det kun ca. 10 gange om dagen 🙂

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