
By on April 8, 2016

A lady we met at the beach (who has now lived in USA for 10 years, but still doesn’t speak a word of English) invited us for a guided tour in La Habana.


We had only seen a small part of the city and thought it would be a great experience, though a bit challenging due to the language barrier. Unfortunately something must have lost in translation, because though we waited for 40 minute by the Capitol, she never came to meet us.


But at night, as we visited the restaurant she had recommended us, the door man told us she had been there asking for us… too bad.


Anyway, since we were in town, we decided to take a tour around town in one of the old open American cars. We negotiated 30 CUC (30 USD) for one hour. We found this a bit expensive, but thought we would regret it if we didn’t go.


The guide told us a few things along the way, but not more than we could have read on the laminated route card he brought and any questions about Cuba were answered with a very certain YES:-)

One of the stops was at “John Lennon Park”. We did not get any explanation as to why John Lennon has his own park in Havana, but there was a statue of him sitting on a bench there, which was a fun gimmick.


Other than that we did not make any new stops that we had not seen on the bus tour around the town, but it was OK since we took the trip to experience driving in one of the iconic veteran cars. We had a couple of ice creams from a street stall after the tour. The price for one soft ice was one CUP (the cheap money, around 0,04 USD) which means you can buy around 600 ice creams for the price of a 1 hour tour around Havana in an old car:-).

At night we went to Los Nardos (right across the street from the Capitol), the restaurant recommended by the woman from the beach. It looked really fancy and we were not at all dressed for a fancy dinner. But nobody minded and we had a lovely dinner there. The kids shared one dish, pork chops with rice and French fries, and it was plenty for the both of them and tasted great. Line had wanted to try the lobster in Cuba since we got there (it’s also very cheap, around 12-13 USD). This was also a huge serving but did not taste as good as expected. Jesper had a curry dish, which was very tasty.


We spent our last two days in Guanabo at the beach, relaxing and enjoying the water, weather and decent snorkeling.


P1120190 Noah’s tan after 5,5 months’ travel.

Jesper spent at couple of hours training free diving with a new breathing technique. It was like starting from scratch but after two days he was almost back to his usual standards and clocked 1 min. 40 seconds.


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