
Viewing: Preparing for the trip

First stop Copenhagen

By on October 14, 2015

Monday evening we had a fare-well dinner with our family at Jesper’s mom’s place and Tuesday morning we said the final good-byes at the train station in Aarhus before getting on the train for our 2 day stop-over in Copenhagen. The children

Going-away-party and moving out of the house

By on October 13, 2015

The going-away-party went really well and we had a great time with our friends saying our goodbyes on Friday October 9th. “Unfortunately” it went so well that people stayed until 5 O’clock in the morning which made it quite hard to get up

Packing for a 6,5 month journey

By on September 5, 2015

We intend to travel light and probably what will take up the most space is not clothes, shoes etc. but the gear we need when spending time diving, snorkling, taking pictures and video and living in areas with lots of

Hiking with children

By on August 30, 2015

​ We have always liked hiking but naturally it presents a challenge with children aged 5 and 3. While Noah (5) can walk pretty far Vitus (3) gets tired quickly and walks at a pretty slow pace.We have done quite

Teaching our eldest son English

By on August 29, 2015

Going on a 6,5 month trip around the world with two boys age 5 and 3 can obviously make you worry about lots of stuff. Will they get sick, will they like it, can we even stand being together 24-7

Todo list

By on August 29, 2015

Though we strive hard not to plan too much up front and only book essential things in advance it is still turning into a very long todo-list before we leave. Jesper being a Lean/Agile consultant we are naturally trying to

House is rented out – YES!

By on August 28, 2015

It took a few month but the lease is now signed and we managed to rent out our house for almost the entire period we are gone. What a relief – both in terms of someone living in and taking

Round the world tickets – check!

By on June 7, 2015

Now we have bought our round the world plane tickets, and the planning has begun! And there are many things to plan, when you want to leave your home country for 6,5 months: We want to rent out our house,